Wednesday, November 28, 2007

music this saturday

i guess i should let my millions of readers know that i'm playing a show this saturday, december 1st at sam g's house at 403 almar street in santa cruz. luke g and cliff g (no relation) will be playing also. i'm pretty excited. it's been almost a year since i've actually touched my guitar or sang so it's going to be pretty interesting.

in other news, i've been getting a lot of grief for my lack of punctuation that i use in this blog-pile. what is it that drives people nuts by not having a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence? what is so frustrating about not having a indentations at the beginning of the paragraph?


is it so difficult to notice when i finish a sentence and change thoughts? i don't think so. i think it offends the reader who doesn't realize that this blog-pile is most unlike literature in the sense that it totally isn't. as if. when i write fiction or science, i always follow the rules but in this bloggy-blog-blog, i don't really feel like i should or need to. it's liberating, like burning your bra or not wearing underwear. you should try it some time.

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